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New Grief Support Group Begins September 12
Help for along your journey.This group is designed to help you cope after the loss of a loved one. It is led by thoughtful and compassionate people who are here to help you. Our Grief Support Group will meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, from September 12, 2024 through April 10, 2025. Afternoon Sessions: 12:30–2:30 pmEvening Sessions: 6:00–8:00 pmAll sessions…
Annual Volunteer Dinner
The annual volunteer dinner this year will take place on Thursday, August 22nd, 2024. Whether you volunteered all year, or just one hour, plan to attend the volunteer dinner! Fr. Louis and the staff will be preparing a meal just for you to show our appreciation for everything you do for our parish. Drinks will begin at 5:00 pm with dinner to begin at 5:30 pm. If you plan…
Religious Education Registration Now Open!
We are now registering children entering grades 1-12 for the RE program for the 2024-2025 School Year. Classes this year will begin Wednesday, September 4th with the Family Kickoff Night at St. Vincent school. The cost will be $70 per child, with a maximum of $140 per family. To register online, click here. To view the RE Calendar for the year, click here. Make sure to…
Now Registering for Totus Tuus!
Totus Tuus is a weeklong “parish mission” for Catholic youth in grades 1–12. It is dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. This year, Totus Tuus will take place at St. Jude Parish from July 7-12. The Grade School Program for children entering grades 1-6 is from 9:00…
Sacred Heart School Building FAQs
In light of our recent parish town hall meeting regarding the future of the Sacred Heart School building, we would like to share the following FAQs about the history and condition of the school, and proposals for future development on the site.
Save the Date for Totus Tuus: July 7–12
Totus Tuus will return to St. Jude Parish the summer of 2024! Save the dates: July 7–12. Registration coming soon! Totus Tuus is a fun and faith-filled week featuring a daytime program for children entering grades 1–6, and an evening program for middle- and high-schoolers! Learn about the Apostles’ Creed and the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary while growing in your…
Join a Christian Family Movement Group Today!
Yes! You Belong! The Christian Family Movement (CFM) We invite you to be a part of the Christian Family Movement (CFM) at St. Jude the Apostle Parish, a family of families where you belong. You are welcome whether you are single, married, divorced, widowed, parenting little ones, or an empty-nester. Now is the perfect time to get involved! In February/March 2024, St. Jude…
Immaculate Conception Mass Times
Join us to celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Mass will be celebrated Thursday, December 7, at 6:30 pm at St. Vincent’s, and Friday, December 8, at 7:30 am at Sacred Heart Church. Please note that this feast day is a holy day of obligation.
Grief Support Group Begins November 15
Grief is something we all face at some point in our life. No one grieves exactly like the next person, or for a set amount of time. Our Grief Support Group will meet in 10 sessions, the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, from November 16 through March 28. Afternoon Sessions: 12:30–2:30 pm, Heritage RoomEvening Sessions: 6:00–8:00 pm, Parish Center To register, contact…
Holy Hour for Peace: Friday, 10/27
Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer on Friday, October 27, “in a spirit of penance to implore peace in our time, peace in this world.” As we did this past week, our parish will again offer a Holy Hour for Peace, which will take place at Sacred Heart Church at 1:30 pm. All are encouraged to mark this day with fasting and abstinence, and to join us in…