Vibrant liturgies provide prayerful and inspiring celebrations that praise God and revitalize personal and community faith. The following ministries are overseen by our Worship & Spiritual Life Committee. Training for all ministers is provided.
Welcome people as they enter the church and offer them each a Worship Aid. This important act of hospitality shows that we are a warm and inviting community. This is a great ministry for couples or families. Time commitment: Once a month or as needed.

Lectors proclaim the Word of God in the Scripture readings to all the faithful gathered at liturgy. Anyone with a good reading ability and a good reading voice may be a lector.
Time Commitment: Once a month at a specific mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Communion Ministers assist in serving the Body & Blood of Christ to the community. They may also wash and clean the vessels after Mass. Ministers must be confirmed, have a love and understanding of Eucharist, and attend a training session.
Involvement: Ministers are assigned to specific week(s) and mass times(s) each month. Training is provided.
Assist with liturgy preparation, care and maintenance of liturgical vessels, checking in liturgical ministers, and other responsibilities. This is a great ministry for couples or families.
Ushers share in the ministry of hospitality by creating an atmosphere of welcome and comfort for the weekend liturgies. The help find people seating, collect and present our financial offerings, and usher the community to receive Eucharist. All members are invited to participate in this ministry.
Time Commitment: Specified weekend masses at a monthly basis or specified weeks each month.

Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest during the celebration of the Eucharist and other liturgical ceremonies. Altar servers (male and female) range in age from fourth grade through adult.
Time Commitment: Once or twice a month.
Choir members will collaborate with the music coordinator to provide music during Masses. All members of the congregation are invited to be part of the choir.
Funeral Altar Servers
Funeral Altar Servers are needed to give assistance to the presider and families at funeral liturgies.
Time Commitment: Two hours, usually in the morning, as needed.
Bereavement Team
Provides support to families and guests before, during, and after funerals. Time commitment: As needed.
Art and Environment Committee
This committee is a sub-committee of the Worship and Spiritual Life Committee. It plans and prepares the worship environment from the moment people walk in the door of the church including the various flowers or banners. The goal of the ministry is to show the movement of the liturgical season through its arts. Many hands are welcomed as we change from one season to another.
Involvement: Volunteers are needed throughout the year. Extra help is especially needed at Christmas and at Easter.
Alter Linen & Vessel Ministers
These ministers assist with the laundering and repair of altar linens, sewing and repair of server and priest albs, changing of candles, and candle holder maintenance.
Time commitment: once or twice a month.
Specialized Ministries
Marriage Preparation Ministry
FOCCUS stands for Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding, and Study. FOCCUS Ministry consists of couples who help ‘facilitate’ the process of preparing our engaged couples for marriage. We are in need of couples who are willing to work with engaged couples. Training is provided.
Baptism Preparation Team
The purpose of the team is to prepare parents of the infant candidates for the sacrament of Baptism and to help them understand the commitment they, as parents, are undertaking. The Baptism Preparation Team builds up the community of Christ within the parish.
For more information on getting involved with any of these ministries, please contact Randy Weddig.