Leaving No Parishioner Separated From Us
As a parish community, united in faith, hope, and love in our Lord Jesus Christ, and sustained by the Holy Eucharist, we are called to care for each other, attending particularly to those who may be separated from us physically, ensuring that no one is separated from us spiritually.
Each Sunday, specially trained Eucharistic ministers bring Communion to the homebound, ensuring that no one goes without receiving this most holy sacrament.
Please help us do this by letting us know if you or a loved one is currently homebound or residing in a healthcare facility. Even if there is already pastoral care available and being received, we are continually updating our records as to where our elderly and infirm parishioners reside so that we can be assured of their continued connectedness to our parish community here at St. Jude the Apostle Parish.
For more information, please contact Bertie Albright at 920-235-7412 or balbright@stjudeoshkosh.org