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Holy Hour for Peace: Tuesday, 10/17

St. Jude Parish invites all to join us in a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer on Tuesday, October 17. In particular, all are invited to join us for a Holy Hour for Peace with the rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet at Sacred Heart Church at 1:30 pm. Bishop Ricken and bishops around the world have joined the call of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista…

Now Registering for Kids’ Fun Days!

For the 2023–2024 school year, St. Jude Parish will be hosting Kids’ Fun Days on those Fridays when the Oshkosh Area School District does not have classes. Kids can enjoy a safe environment where they can make friends, play, and enjoy crafts and games, supervised by Virtus-trained staff and volunteers. Sign up using the form below! Snacks will be provided. Children should…

Now Registering for Religious Education!

We are now registering children and youth entering grades 1–12 for the 2023–2024 school year. Classes begin at St. Vincent School with our Family Night Kickoff on Wednesday, September 20, at 6 pm! Click here for this year’s calendar. Click here to register online, or contact Religious Education Coordinator Courtney Foster for more information: cfoster@stjudeoshkosh.org,…

RE Volunteers Needed!

If you are interested in helping our St. Jude Religious Education program as a catechist, hall monitor, or babysitter, or if you are interested in assisting with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30 Mass on Sundays, we would love to hear from you! For more information or to sign up, just contact Courtney Foster at the parish office: (920) 235-7412,…

Summer Office Hours Begin June 6

Summer hours at the St. Jude Office will begin on Monday, June 6: • Mondays, 8:00 am–2:30 pm • Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, 8:00 am–4:30 pm • Friday, 8:00 am–2:30 pm To reach a parish staff member outside of office hours, leave a message at (920) 235-7412 or email office@stjudeoshkosh.org. Summer hours will continue until after Labor Day weekend.

Health and Safety Measures at Mass

With the return of the Sunday obligation on September 19 and 20, the need for health and safety measures is even greater than it was previously. Please keep to the following guidelines to help ensure a safe worship environment for all: Practice good hand hygiene before, during, and after Mass. Maintain a distance of 6 feet from those who are not part of your household. So…