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Now Registering for Religious Education!

We are now registering children and youth entering grades 1–12 for the 2023–2024 school year. Classes begin at St. Vincent School with our Family Night Kickoff on Wednesday, September 20, at 6 pm! Click here for this year’s calendar. Click here to register online, or contact Religious Education Coordinator Courtney Foster for more information: cfoster@stjudeoshkosh.org,…

RE Volunteers Needed!

If you are interested in helping our St. Jude Religious Education program as a catechist, hall monitor, or babysitter, or if you are interested in assisting with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30 Mass on Sundays, we would love to hear from you! For more information or to sign up, just contact Courtney Foster at the parish office: (920) 235-7412,…

Summer Office Hours Begin June 6

Summer hours at the St. Jude Office will begin on Monday, June 6: • Mondays, 8:00 am–2:30 pm • Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, 8:00 am–4:30 pm • Friday, 8:00 am–2:30 pm To reach a parish staff member outside of office hours, leave a message at (920) 235-7412 or email office@stjudeoshkosh.org. Summer hours will continue until after Labor Day weekend.

Health and Safety Measures at Mass

With the return of the Sunday obligation on September 19 and 20, the need for health and safety measures is even greater than it was previously. Please keep to the following guidelines to help ensure a safe worship environment for all: Practice good hand hygiene before, during, and after Mass. Maintain a distance of 6 feet from those who are not part of your household. So…

Pastoral Home Visits to Resume

Good news! We will soon be resuming pastoral home visits for those who want them, including Care Ministry visits, Communion to the Homebound, and other visits. For more information or to arrange a visit for yourself or a loved one, please contact Marianne Sheahan: msheahan@stjudeoshkosh.org, (920) 235-7412. The Diocese of Green Bay, acting on the recommendations of the…

Pastoral Home Visits Still Suspended

While we are very excited to be able to return to Mass, we are painfully aware that many of our fellow parishioners are still unable to do so due to vulnerability to exposure to Covid-19, or permanent confinement to their residences. Regrettably, we are not yet able to resume pastoral home visits, which include bringing Holy Communion and Care Ministry until further…

Phased Return to Church Begins May 31

News is coming soon about a phased return to church! On Thursday, May 14, Bishop Ricken and diocesan staff presented a plan for the faithful of our diocese to begin being able to receive communion starting on Pentecost, May 31. Bishop Ricken will be making a statement about the plan to the media in the next few days … keep an eye on the local news. St. Jude Staff…

St. Jude Pandemic Reponse: An Update

Dear St. Jude Parish Community, As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times it is our intention as a staff to use as much technology as possible so that you may continue to grow in your spirituality, faith, and love of God.  Each day we are finding news ways of filming and streaming those things you may be feeling a void over missing.  Here are some of…

Cemetery Clean-Up

All decorations at the Catholic Cemeteries (Sacred Heart, Calvary and Riverside Catholic Cemeteries) must be removed by April 15 for Spring cleanup.  Items may be returned or replaced after May 1st.  If you feel that something may be lost in the clean-up process, please remove it. Thank you.