Parish Mission Planning Update

Parish Mission Planning Update

The St. Jude the Apostle Parish Mission Planning (PMP) Team had their second meeting on Monday, March 18, 2019.

At this meeting the PMP team reviewed our parish and community data sheets regarding demographics, school & religious education enrollment as well as the youthfulness, faithfulness, contributions and activity of our parish. The PMP team then looked for and identified connections between the various trends observed resulting in 5 recommendations for parish improvement.

During the second half of the meeting the PMP team reviewed the School and Parish Planning: Key Recommendations document and determined which goals in this plan could be integrated into the development of St. Jude’s parish/school plan.  After a thorough team discussion, 5 goals that stressed formation in evangelization, collaboration, discipleship, and cooperation between the parish and school, as well as community impact, were identified for parish/school collaborative focus.

The last thing the PMP team did was to review the 33 total observations from our first four completed steps and reduce them to 20 for “Step #5”.

On April 1st  some members from each Oshkosh  parish PMP team, plus Lourdes Academy representatives, will be meeting to discuss their PMP findings thus far and look at what they can share in a consolidated “Action Plan”  for developing “Missionary Disciples” in our Churches and Schools.

Our next St. Jude PMP meeting will be on April 8th. Please continue to pray for the PMP Team.

Remember to always check the Bulletin for future PMP up-dates!

God Bless,

Kathie Geffers
Parish Mission Planning
Communication Liaison