“Strike Out Hunger”
9 Pin Tap Bowling Tournament!
Join The Knights of Columbus Council 614 in helping the pantries!
“Strike Out Hunger” 9 Pin Tap Bowling Tournament
Registration will start at 12:00, bowling starts 1:30
We will be collecting non-perishable goods that day at the alleys! Join us for bowling or just come watch and have some fun!
Adults $25 / per person or free with $50 paid sponsorship money. Kids 17 & under $8 /child or free with $20 paid sponsorship money. All sponsorship monies must be paid before bowling starts.
A PRIZE will be given for the most sponsorship monies collected in both Adult & Children’s Programs
Bumper bowling for the families with young kids is available, get started on finding your sponsors! A little work ahead of time can make this fun filled afternoon of charitable giving, very inexpensive for you & your family. Mike Putzer will seat you in a category that fits best for each bowler for the prize monies competition.
Raffles as well as door prizes! Call early and reserve your spot!
Always remember “God Loves You” !
Jay Schaefer – Grand Knight – Council 614
(920) 410-1284 kofc614@gmail.com