Social Concerns Ministry and Catholic Social Teaching

At St. Jude the Apostle Parish, our understanding of Social Justice is rooted in the centuries-old tradition of Catholic Social Doctrine, expressed in more modern times as Catholic Social Teaching. Catholic Social Teaching officially includes a body of literature spanning about 125 years: papal encyclicals, apostolic letters, conciliar and episcopal documents, and pastoral writings from Pope Leo XIII in the late 19th century to St. John Paul II at the turn of the 21st century, and now in the writings of Pope Francis, including his recent encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our Common Home).
These writings are based on the social mission of the church, which answers the express call of the prophets in the Old Testament and of Jesus in the New Testament to treat all people with mercy and justice, but primarily society’s poor, oppressed, and marginalized.
Social Action Opportunities
Annual Back-to-School Fair Drive
Working with the local chapter of the United Way, we sponsor a collection of school clothes and supplies for underprivileged children in the Oshkosh School District. Contact: Courtney Foster at 920-7412 or
Annual Christmas Giving Tree
Each year we collect items for residents in nursing homes, Santa’s Workshop at Fr. Carr’s Place 2B, and/or Take Five, an organization that collects new clothing year-round for needy children. We often have a chance to personally deliver gift bags to nursing home residents. Contact: Bertie Albright at 920-235-7412 or
Caring for God’s Creation Committee
This committee is responsible for education and advocacy on environmental justice. They are credited with the ecological enhancement of our parish buildings and grounds, including energy-saving lighting systems, recycling bins, and a new garden. Contact: Marilyn Griffin at 920-233-5382 or
Diocesan Diaper Drive
In conjunction the the Diocese of Green Bay, we participate in an annual diaper drive for mothers and their babies experiencing financial challenges.
Fr. Carr’s Place 2B
Volunteers help provide salads, casseroles, and desserts to Fr. Carr’s dining room. Cash donations are also accepted. Other voluntary opportunities are available as well. Time commitment: Food preparation and delivery once a month. Contact: 920-231-2378 or
Knights of Columbus (Council 614)
Catholic men’s organization. Time commitment: Monthly meetings and various service opportunities. Contact: Jay Schaefer @ 920-410-1284 or
Monthly Drive for Food Pantries
- St. Vincent de Paul
- St. Jude the Apostle
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Volunteers help in a variety of capacities to serve those in need in our community. Time commitment: Monthly meetings, home visits, and/or volunteering at our St. Vincent de Paul store as a clerk or organizing donations. Contact: John Plichta at 920-479-1845 or
Social Events and Volunteer Opportunities
Baking & Hospitality
If you love to bake then this is your ministry! Nothing says WELCOME like a plate of home baked cookies or a great pie! There are many meetings and events where this ministry is needed. Time Commitment: A few hours a year. Contact: Jan Fendt at 920-235-7412 or
Coffee & Donut Sundays
Volunteers assist during this time of fellowship and faith building. Help set-up and serve coffee and donuts once a month after 7:30 and 9:30 Sunday Masses. Time Commitment: 2 hours per session. Contact: Kathy Dodge at 920-232-1555.
EAA Housing and Food Booth
- Food Booth: Cook or serve in our parish food booth. Time commitment: 4-5 hour shifts during EAA week. Contact: Barney Schmitz at 920-573-9005 or
- Housing: Show our hospitality to EAA attendees who call the St. Jude Parish Center home during the week of the EAA convention. Clean and prepare rooms and beds for guests prior to their arrival and upon departure, grocery shop as needed, or donate breakfast items. Contact: Jan Fendt at 920-235-7412 or
Parish Festivals
Festivals include Octoberfest, St. Nicholas festival, etc. Time commitment: 3-5 hours for decorating or working at the festival selling food or running children’s games. Contact: Parish Office at 920-7412 or
Summer Farmers’ Market
- Baker: Bakes goodies for our parish booth, the second Saturday of the month from June-September.
- Booth volunteer: Works the booth at the market.
Time commitment: Baking once a month from June-September, or volunteer at booth for 4 hours once per summer.
Contact: Rob Saley at 920-235-7412 or
Miscellaneous Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers watch young children during adult faith events so that parents can participate in programs. Time commitment: As needed. Contact: Courtney Foster at 920-235-7412 or
Building & Grounds
Join the Building and Grounds team to help ensure that our places of worship and faith formation are well maintained. Time commitment: As needed. Contact: Dan Metzig at 920-235-7412 or
Front Office Assistant
- Answers phones with a clear and friendly demeanor.
- Greets visitors warmly, who come into the office for a variety of reasons.
- Sets up dates for Memorial Masses, Sanctuary Lamps, and Bread and Wine Offering.
- Assembles mailings.
- Assembles weekly Worship Aids.
- Assists staff in various administrative tasks as needed.
Time commitment: 4 hours per week and will accommodate your schedule. Contact: Deacon Brad Gallenberg at 920-235-7412 or
Miscellaneous Projects
- Stuffs bulletins
- Assists with birthday cards to young and elderly parishioners.
- Other duties as assigned.