Care Ministry Mission Statement
We are missionary disciples called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue the healing work of Jesus. We do this by responding to the needs of others, by offering a sacred listening presence, making space for God’s Love to be experienced.
Understanding Care Ministry
Care Ministry is a Catholic volunteer program, sponsored by the Diocese of Green Bay, which exists to expand the pastoral care dimension offered by the Church. Volunteers are trained and equipped to respond in the name of the parish community to individuals who are facing a time of loss, transition, or loneliness.
Care Ministry is a community role and responsibility to God’s unconditional love for each of us, fostered and nurtured by our parish faith community. Care Ministers actively bring the love of God into people’s lives by providing a sacred listening presence.
Care Ministers bring the Good News that nothing can separate us from the love of God through Jesus Christ.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What does a Care Minister do?
A. Care Ministers visit persons who are sick, lonely, or suffering in some way. They care, listen, and offer a compassionate heart. They do not counsel or offer advice. The nature of the visit is determined by mutual agreement.
Q. How often does a Care Minister visit?
A. Up to one hour each week, or a mutually agreed upon schedule.
Q. How confidential are these visits?
A. Absolutely confidential. What is said during a visit stays with the Care Minister.
Q. Who does the Care Minister typically visit?
A. Persons who are grieving any kind of loss; persons in healthcare or are homebound; anyone who needs a listening, compassionate ear.
Q. What kind of training does a Care Minister receive?
A. Initially, a one-day training session in listening and communication skills, and ongoing scheduled enrichment sessions. These are usually in the form of monthly meetings, where Care Ministers come together to pray, share, and learn from each other’s experiences. Other opportunities for spiritual support and continuing education are offered throughout the year as well.
Characteristics of a Care Minister
- Be sensitive to others, respecting their dignity
- Maintain healthy boundaries
- Listen objectively and compassionately without giving advice
- Be non-judgmental
- Trust God in the silence
- Maintain confidentiality
- Maintain a personal healthy lifestyle in mind, spirit, and body
- Be reliable, punctual, and responsible
- Make good judgments
Contact us:
If you or a loved one would like a Care Minister to visit, please contact Bertie Albright at 920-235-7412 or balbright@stjudeoshkosh.org
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in becoming a Care Minister, please contact Bertie Albright at 920-235-7412 or balbright@stjudeoshkosh.org