Welcome to St. Jude Parish
We’re happy you’re joining us on your faith journey!
Everyone’s journey is unique. We all have gifts of time, talent, and treasure to share. We are all important members of the Body of Christ. Think about the relationship between St. Jude Parish as a community and you as part of that community. Specifically, St. Jude Parish promises to support your faith journey and in return invites you to be an active member of the Body of Christ.
To facilitate this:
1. St. Jude Parish will provide faith-building opportunities for you to grow as a Christian as well as opportunities for you to live out your faith inservice to others. You are invited to live out your faith by participating in one or more ministries and to support the greater Church’s mission to make disciples for Christ.
2. St. Jude Parish will provide opportunities for lifelong learning where you can deepen your understanding of the Bible and your Catholic faith. You are invited to increase your understanding of your faith and what the Bible teaches about applying it in the present world.
3. St. Jude Parish will provide opportunities for you to develop deep and lasting friendships in community with others. You are invited to be present at worship and other parish events and to pray for the Church and your fellow parishioners regularly.
4. St. Jude Parish promises to be a good steward of your financial contributions. You are asked to contribute financially on a regular basis at the level you are able.
In conclusion, we must remember that we are the Church by virtue of living within the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit dwells here, not because there are signs out front saying these buildings are a church, but because we are here together in the name of Christ. We are the fertile soil in which the Word flourishes and we have the joyful duty to carry that Word to all the world.