About Phase 1 of Our Return to Worship
Following guidance from Bishop Ricken and the Diocese of Green Bay, St. Jude Parish begins our return to public worship the weekend of Pentecost, May 30 and 31.
Phase 1 of our return to normal involves two aspects:
- On the weekend, we will offer Holy Communion outside of Mass, and
- During the week, we will allow attendance at daily Mass in strictly limited numbers.
We urge everyone to watch and listen to Bishop Ricken’s message about the return to communion.
Receive Communion on the Weekend
For Phase 1, Bishop Ricken has asked all the parishes of our diocese to begin offering communion to the faithful each weekend, beginning on Pentecost (May 30 and 31). This is a temporary first step before we begin welcoming people back to Mass with Phase 2.
For the two weeks of this first phase, communion will be offered outside of Mass. Weekend Mass will continued to be closed to the public, while weekday Masses will be open on a limited basis. (See later in this bulletin for details.)
For the two weeks of Phase 1, communion will be offered at St. Vincent’s Church on Saturdays (5/30 and 6/6) from 5:30–6:30 pm, and at Sacred Heart Church on Sundays (5/31 and 6/7) from 9:00–10:00 am. (Anyone in line at the end of the time noted will be able to receive.) We will continue to offer communion at these places/times each weekend until we move to the next phase of our full return to worship on 6/13. We will provide details about Phase 2 during the first week of June.
- Prior to receiving Holy Communion, you are encouraged to prepare by watching an online Mass, listening to a radio Mass, or reading the Scripture readings of the day. We will continue to livestream weekend Masses at 4:30 pm on Saturdays, and weekday Masses at 7:30 am, and make them available on Youtube after they are live.
- Please note that no Catholic is required to receive Holy Communion during the pandemic. In particular, those age 65 or above and those with compromised immunity are encouraged to stay home. Anyone with a fever, cough, or flulike symptoms should remain at home to prevent the spread of illness.
- Those wishing to enter the church to receive communion will have their temperature scanned to ensure they are not running a fever.
- We strongly encourage communicants to wear a protective mask. (You may bring your own mask, or a mask will be provided.)
- You should also observe social distancing and practice proper hand washing/sanitizing hygiene.
Attending Daily Mass
For Phase 1 of our return to worship, you may attend weekday Mass on a limited basis. This affects the weekday Masses for the two weeks from Monday, June 1, through Friday, June 12.
To maintain social distancing, Bishop Ricken has asked all parishes to continue to limit the number of people in the church to nine or fewer. This means that, after Fr. Louis and Randy Weddig (lector/altar server/cantor), seven people will be able to attend each Mass.
Weekday Masses will continue to be livestreamed on Facebook at 7:30 am, and available after the livestream on our Youtube Channel.
To reserve a spot to attend weekday Mass: Visit https://stjudeoshkosh.org/weekdaysignup, or call the parish office at (920) 235-7412.
We ask that you please sign up for just one Mass each week during this first phase of return to public worship. After 7:00 pm on the evening before the Mass, if there are still spaces available for the next day’s Masses, feel free to sign up to attend additional Masses.
Weekday Mass Schedule Changes
To accommodate as many worshipers as possible during Phase 1,
we are making the following temporary changes to the weekday Mass schedule:
- Father Louis will be celebrating two Masses every day.
- The Masses will take place at 7:30 am and 8:15 am.
- Masses will be celebrated at St. Vincent’s Church on Monday and Tuesday,
and at Sacred Heart Church on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.