For nine days beginning Friday, May 15, we will be invoking the Blessed Mother’s powerful intercession in a special novena to Mary as Stella Caeli, the “Star of Heaven.”
Please join us each day in the novena from May 15 through May 23, praying for an end to the pandemic and for all those affected by it.
The cloistered contemplative Dominican nuns of St. Dominic’s Monastery in Linden, VA, are encouraging this devotion. For more information about them and the fascinating history of the “Star of Heaven” prayer, visit
How Do I Pray the Novena?
On each day from May 15 through May 23, pray the following, either on your own or along with Father Louis via our video:
1. Pray the Stella Caeli Exstirpavit
2. Recite three Hail Mary’s for an end to the pandemic
3. Recite “A Prayer in Time of a Pandemic”
Novena Prayers
Stella Caeli Exstirpavit
The Star of Heaven, who nourished the Lord, drove away the plague of death which our first parents brought into the world. May this bright Star now deign to hold in check the constellations whose battles have slain the people with the wound of death.
O glorious Star of the Sea, save us from the plague. Hear us, for your Son honors you by denying you nothing. Save us, O Jesus, on whose behalf the Virgin Mother beseeches You.
Hail Mary (Recite three times)
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
A Prayer in Time of a Pandemic
Loving Mother of the Redeemer, Gate of Heaven, Star of the Sea, we, your children, come to you in this time of world-wide pandemic, seeking your powerful intercession. We come to you in our weakness and uncertainty. We come to you in our loneliness and fear. We come to you with trust, Mother of Mercy, for you are our life, our sweetness and our hope. We place before you our suffering world, deprived even of the consolation of the Sacraments and the community of the Church and we beg you, dear Mother, to intercede for us with your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
May all bishops, priests and civil leaders be given wisdom, as they seek to guide us in this time of crisis. May scientists be granted insight and understanding. May caregivers be endowed with compassion and generosity. May all those who are ill be restored to health. Pray that your Son protect those who are most at risk, especially health care workers, first responders and essential workers who put themselves in harm’s way for the sake of others. Beseech your Son, in His Providence, to provide for those who are unemployed or in financial difficulties.
Grant your peace of heart to those who are unable to visit loved ones, especially elderly parents. Give comfort to those who have lost family or friends and were unable to be with them in their last hours. Welcome into the Father’s House those who have died. O Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted, ease all the fear of our hearts and fill us with confidence in your maternal love and protection. Amen.